Registration for our summer soccer camp and fall soccer league is starting this Sunday, April 23rd and will take place before 2nd service (9:15-9:45am) and 3rd service (11:00-11:45am). Registration will continue on Sundays at these times through early June.
Soccer camp is for kids ages 6-14 on June 26-30 from 9am-12pm. The cost is $50 per camper. The soccer league is for ages 4-17 (18 for girls) and costs $45 for one child, $85 for two, $120 for three, $160 for four, and the fifth child is free (discount applies to children living in the same household only.
We are also in need of volunteers for the camp as well as coaches, assistants, referees, and concession stand helpers for the league. No experience is required. For more information, use the contact form on our sports page.