Special Needs Banner

Special Needs Classrooms

We believe that God calls people of all abilities to receive His Word and fellowship as His people. Our Special Needs Ministry exists in order to share God’s Word with children and adults whose learning needs would not be met in typical Sunday School classes or in the main Sanctuary. We attempt to provide one buddy for each student to help them interact with the scriptures in their own unique way.

Our Special Needs Sunday School classes only meet at the 10:00 am service and are located in the nursery hallway (just behind the sanctuary).

If you are new to the church and would like to have your child join the Special Needs classes, please contact us ahead of time to ensure that we have appropriate numbers of volunteers available.


If you would prefer to have your special needs child in a regular classroom, we want to work with you to make that possible. If mainstreaming is your preference, please contact us to discuss the best options for your child, and to find out which class would be the most appropriate for them.

Again, if you are new to CCPhilly, please aid us in our classroom preparations by letting us know that you will be attending, and informing us what types of disabilities your child has.

News & Announcements

All Sunday School Open

As of September 27th, Sunday School is available for all age groups (nursery-5th grade) at all services. Special Needs service is also available at 10am service on Sundays.

Special Needs Thanksgiving

Our Special Needs Thanksgiving event is Saturday, November 9th at 4-6:30pm. This will be a potluck dinner, so bring a dish to share. The whole family is welcome! Please contact specialneeds@ccphilly.org with any questions.

Special Needs Family Fellowship

Your whole family is invited to attend our monthly Special Needs Family Fellowship! We provide a space for parents and caregivers to meet, share with, encourage, and pray for one another while the children (of any age) and their siblings are engaged by our amazing team of volunteers in games, snack time, worship, crafts, and a Bible lesson.

We typically meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 4pm-6pm. Enter through the handicap entrance on the side of the building and walk straight ahead. The special needs classrooms are in the first hallway on your right.

Let us know if you plan on coming and who you are bringing with you so we can be sure to have plenty of help. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to Chris Clark at cclark@ccphilly.org.

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