Sports Ministry

Our church sports ministry here at Calvary seeks to create a place where boys and girls can worship their Father and Creator through soccer and basketball, regardless of their skill level or experience. Each league is designed to teach our children the wonderful truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ all while promoting an atmosphere of fun and encouraging competition. Both soccer and basketball have age-specific leagues from 4 years old through high school with coaches who are eager to give players both skills to play the game and a love of God.

If you are interested in serving, we have volunteers help with coaching, reffing, the concession stand, and more!

This Week’s Memory Verse and Team Devotion

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

Matthew 6:24 (NIV)

Download next week’s older kids devotion here (10-18)

Find previous weeks’ devotions here

Note: The memory verse is from last week’s devotion, which can be learned this week for a prize. The packets are for the upcoming Saturday.

Sports Rules & Resources

Interested in learning more about coaching or reffing? Want to learn more about our league? Click below to see our resource page, where you will find a collection of documents, websites, and videos about a variety of topics from league rules to drills for coaches to mechanics for refs. It is a great resource for volunteers as well as parents who are interested in learning more about our league. It also includes a form where you can submit questions.

Updates & Announcements

Soccer and VBS Registration Open

Registration is now open for our Soccer Camp, Vacation Bible School, and Soccer League. We recognize that we may not be able to have these events, but we are hoping to have them and are now accepting registrations online. Registration is open to anyone currently attending Calvary Chapel Philadelphia or who has participated in our events in the past. We are also waiting until the first day of these events to charge the registration fee. Information about these events can be found on the registration page, as can a form to contact us with questions about registration. The page is password-protected, and the password was emailed out to previous participants. To access the page, click here. Final decisions about whether or not to cancel/postpone these events will be made as they get closer.

Basketball 2020 Registration Starting

Registration for our 2020 Calvary basketball season begins this Sunday, September 8th before 2nd (9:00-9:45am) and 3rd (11:00-11:45am) services outside the Children’s Ministry office. Registration is $45 for 1 child, $85 for 2, $120 for 3, and $150 for 4. The fifth child is free. Practices begin in December and games run January-early March. All practices and games are on Saturdays at Calvary.

We are also in need of volunteer coaches, refs, and snack stand helpers. Please use the contact form on our sports page if you are interested.

More info can be found by going to our sports page or clicking here.

Basketball Schedule

Snack Stand Sign-Up

Basketball Program Guide

Basketball 2/8 Schedule

TimeBlue GymHigh School GymAuditorium
8amB6 v B8D5 v D1
9amB7 v B5D6 v D4A5 v A1
10amB2 v B4D3 v D2A3 v A2
11amB3 v B1E5 v E1A6 v A4
12pmC2 v C4E3 v E2
1pmC3 v C1E6 v E4
2pmC6 v C8F3 v F2
3pmC7 v C5F6 v F4
4pmF5 v F1

Note: Away team is listed first and wears blue. Home team is listed second and wears white.

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